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Product features

The cauliflower can have different colours: white, green, violet or also orange. The inflorescences which compose the head are rounded, while in the Romanesco variety (just green) they are pointed and each point is the miniature of the whole head: a real magic of nature!

Areas of production and availability

Because weather is a limiting factor for producing cauliflower, the plant grows best in moderate daytime temperatures 21–29 °C, with plentiful sun, and moist soil conditions high in organic matter and sandy soils.

For these reasons, our best productions are located in middle Italy (Apulia and Abruzzo) in autumn and in northern Italy (Veneto) in spring. Our yearly availability goes from November to January and from March to May.


Our cauliflowers are mostly packed in wooden boxes or in RPC (Reusable plastic containers).


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